
Showing posts from March, 2019
This month I decided to try something a bit different from what I've been making. With the cold snap we've had (can you call three months a SNAP??) I've been craving soup. But I like a hearty soup that fills me up while it warms me up.  This soup is a collection of everything my boys love, so it was no surprise that they loved it and asked for more! One thing that I love about this meal is it combines ingredients that I use all the time, like peas, onions and corn, with a few ingredients I haven't used much (diced tomatoes, shredded beef)  When making this meal, I recommend that you either make it in a ziploc bag (or mylar bag for added shelf life) or don't add the noodles to the jar, instead add them when you go to cook it. The reason is purely space. The noodles will take up half your jar and you wont have space for all the veggies. When I made this recipe I actually doubled it. Another change I made is that my kids and I don't like green peppers, ...

Oatmeal Jars

Oatmeal is absolutely a staple in my house. My kids will gladly eat it every morning. (I know, they are totally weird!) In fact, if my kids have cereal more than two days in a row, they start to complain. So oatmeal is definitely something that we have to have on hand all the time. The problem is that making oatmeal can be messy and I haven't taught my kids how to make it themselves; therefore, oatmeal jars have become my saving grace! I love that my boys can make the jars (and then I only have to clean up once for 20 plus meals) Because the oatmeal jars are such a big deal in our house, we make them regularly, and I talk about them so much that I figured I should share a post on how we make them and what's in them. So here it is! First of all, you need to know that my boys pretty much make these on their own. I typically put the oatmeal in and they do the rest. Here are the steps and ingredients that I follow and the ways that I use oatmeal jars! Step 1: Fill the jar...