
Showing posts from July, 2011

Way Behind, oh what a Summer!

Okay, so I'm way behind in my blogging, and it's not for lack of things to blog about, it's actually because of lack of internet! But I think that's all fixed now and I will be blogging again! But now my camera is "temporarily misplaced"-mom did you check my house yet? This whole two houses things can cause some problems! So over the next couple of days I plan on posting lots and catching up all of my fun adventures that we have been having, but I'll also be having more fun adventures in the next week, so who knows, I may still be blogging about my summer in October. On a side note, I found out that my hubby will be about 30 hours away from me for the month of September. Which is not as far a last year (across the country!) but it might as well be, because I wont see him the entire time that he's gone. You would think that I'd be getting use to that by now, but it always makes me sad. And this year I wont have my Karlene to keep me occupied at all...

I Did It!

  My first jar of jam for the season. It's actually the first thing I've canned all year, okay let's be serious, it's the first thing I've canned in a few years, and the first jam I've canned since I've been married. Oh wait, there was some that I did right after we got married, but Michael didn't like the chunks, which hurt my feelings, la de dah, and here we are.  So, anyway, when I found out that we were coming to BC this year, I decided that I was absolutely going to get some canning done! So I packed all my stuff out here, and although he never said anything, I could see the look on Michael's face that he thought I wasn't going to use any of it. And then last week, when I bought some more jars at a garage sale (spending the last of the cash that we had brought..) I saw the look again. So I determined that it was time to get going and I am determined to fill every jar that I have. So today I bought strawberries and cherries. I'm actuall...

Things to do...

Okay, so it seems like I mostly get inspired by Heather Moxley's blog, too bad she doesn't follow my blog to see all the credit I give her! But once again she has inspired me. There are a couple of books from Usborne Books that I have been thinking about getting. "50 Things to do with your Baby" (Broken up over 4 or 5 age groups - one book per age group) and "50 Things to do with you toddler". So today, on her blog, Heather was talking about her summer list and seeing where she is on it and she also mentioned that she has found a list called 101 Things to do with your toddler. So it got me thinking, and here's what I've decided. I'm going to get the Usborne books, and in the fall, when my older kids have gone back to school, I'm going to start at the beginning of the books and do each thing in them, one from each book per day. Hopefully they are simple things like the things on Heather's list. I think it will be super fun and make for som...

Wiener Roast

Zachary slept for a lot of it, he was pooped after the day we had!  Have I mentioned before that I LOVE wiener roasts?? Like it's one of my very favourite things to do with my family! That's why I love my fire pit so much. Well yesterday my in-laws asked if we would like to go out and have a wiener roast. Well, of course I said yes! Here are some pics from the day, my boys had a great time! Have you ever seen these teeter totters before? I absolutely love them! Weight doesn't matter because of the springs. So no more struggling to find two kids that actually weigh close to the same (which never seemed to happen in my family) with these it doesn't matter. So I can play on the teeter totter with my three year old! Love it! My father in law didn't believe me that it worked, so I had to lift my feet to show him. David only went up about six inches. It was super cool!  The dog is always a highlight for my kids. She's part of the family. (My inlaws dog). My...


Just a random picture that I like (no it's not my husband that I'm talking about!) Okay, so I'm not one to get easily offended. Mostly I just let things slide (It's taken some work to get to this point). But when I do get offended, it really cuts deep and I have a hard time letting it go. There are only a few things that can bother me, and even then, it's really only comments from the people I care about that affect me. ('Cause let's be real, if I don't know the person, then they don't really know me and there opinion is basically meaningless). But sometimes I find someone really does strike that cord and it's hard for me to let go. I really want to get past this and find a way to not be so hurt by things. Recently I have had a person in my life say a few things (a few different things over time) that have really hurt me and I'm trying not to hold a grudge, but everytime I find myself feeling better about things and wanting to be around th...

Three Months

Wow, I can't believe that is has been three months already! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was just wishing you would come out, or when I was finally holding you in my arms, so grateful that you were here. Wow, I'm getting teary just thinking about the time that has gone by already. It's been an eventful few months, we have moved to Cranbrook, had you in emergency once, celebrated two siblings birthdays, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Canada Day and we are getting ready to take you to your first family reunion where you will be passed around and cooed over to your heart's content! Here are some stats about you at three months old: 1. You smile all the time, especially for Mommy, Daddy and David 2. You sit up pretty good in an exersaucer 3.You are a belly sleeper, and absolutely REFUSE to sleep any other way (no judging ladies!) 4. You already own three pairs of shoes and one pair of boots (crocheted by a friend and so cute!) that fit you,...


So I've been working on some projects lately. Mostly ideas either directly from blogs, or inspired by blogs. My favourite is my Canada Day decorations that I modified from fourth of July decorations, but I don't have those with me and I forgot to take a picture, so you'll have to wait on those. But as far as the other things I have them here. The first thing I made was this super cute bag that I found on Heather Moxley's blog: , she actually got the idea from another blog, but the link is on there. The bag is super cute and super easy, both my girls (17 and 11 and almost never sewn before) were able to make one in under an hour each, maybe even less time. I love the idea of using them for toys, although in my house I think they will be used for makeup. So these adorable bags sparked my imagination, and from them I made this bag, same thing just bigger and with a handle. Again, absolutely love the bag, and it m...

Glorious and Free

Okay, so it's taken me a while to get around to blogging about Canada Day. We had an AMAZING day. I'm not sure that I have ever enjoyed Canada Day as much as I did this year. It was simply fantastic. First of all, Michael got the day off so he was able to spend the day with us! So in the morning we got the boys up early (Heather was at camp and Natasha is away visiting for most of July), and went into Raymond for the parade. We had a great time with the Familia Perez and the parade was great! Zachary slept through almost the entire thing, David loved running for the candy and sharing it with Skylee, and Peter liked to pretend he didn't care, even though he was dying to go after the candy! It was such a nice activity with my boys. After the parade we went back to the Perez house and had a barbeque and then the guys took the kids swimming while we let the babies nap. When the babies woke up, we went to the pool as well, and found that the boys were pretty well don...

So Many Babies!

Over the past six months, I cannot believe how many of my friends have had babies! It's absolutely crazy! In May alone, I had five friends that had their babies! It's so crazy and so fun, I guess they're going to need that bigger elementary school! Well, here's a few pics: Karlene's baby (January) and Zac (March) Okay, can't really see faces, but these boys were due on the same day, but unfortunately the baby on the left came early, and mine came late, 'cause that's how my pregnancies go. But still stinkin' cute to see them together. born in March, March (Zachary), May and May  I have several other friends with babies as well, but these are the only pictures I've been able to get so far. I'll work on getting more. I just can't get over how fun and how cute this is!

Love These Boys

Okay, so until recently, I really didn't want to admit it, even to myself, but I really didn't want to have boys. I mean not that I NEVER wanted boys, but with both David and Zachary, I so badly wanted them to be girls. (That's part of why I don't want to be done-I want girls!) But really, when it all comes down to it, I love my boys and I wouldn't trade them for girls for a second. Both of my little boys are absolute miracles to me. I'm so excited that I could have them and I just love their guts! There was a point in my life where I really thought that I would never be able to have a baby. These little boys have answered hundreds of my heartfelt prayers and I love everything about them. It is amazing to me to watch them grow and think that they really are a gift that God gave to me. They grew from my body and I have loved them since way before their births. I love how Daivd calls me Momma, but only when he's tired and really wants something. I love how the...