Using What I Have
So I've decided that I need to use up some of the stuff I have all over my house. I have piles of fabric, scrapbook stuff, yarn, paint and other random craft supplies. Some of the stuff I've bought over the years, some I've "Inherited" from my mom and other neighbours, and a TONNE of the fabric is from my aunt. She loves fabric and accumulated lots over the years, now she owns a fabric store (which is pretty exciting for me!) But as she comes upon fabric she doesn't want anymore, she passes it along to me, which is pretty awesome!
So anyway, with all the stuff I have, I've decided that I need to start using it instead of just accumulating it. So a while ago I got several pieces of plaid fabric from my aunt and I've been trying to think of what I wanted to do with it. So I came up with a plan! Shorts...matching shorts...for the, the the kids...although Zac doesn't need shorts....but it would be too cute not to make him some yeah...MATCHING SHORTS FOR ALL THE KIDS.
The fabulous thing about making shorts is that they are SO easy. The pattern I chose this time isn't exactly what I wanted, but I have very limited choices out here seeing as I only brought a couple of patterns. So even though the shorts look like they are way too big, they are actually the right sizes for the kids, it's just supposed to be a really baggy pattern (Which I would have fully realized that before I made them, but oh well, now I know for next time!)

The other thing I like about making shorts (or pyjama pants) is that I can get my kids to help, and it's actually quite helpful. I do all the sewing and the kids feed the elastic into the waistbands and clip all the threads off. It speeds things up and makes my life easier, plus it makes them feel like they are contributing and gives us all time to spend together. We've made several pairs of pyjamas this way, but this is our first time doing shorts. It worked out great.
While I was sewing the kids were playing Wii and taking pictures, then when we were all done we took pictures out in the yard. The little boys' shorts turned out way too cute!!
The fabulous thing about making shorts is that they are SO easy. The pattern I chose this time isn't exactly what I wanted, but I have very limited choices out here seeing as I only brought a couple of patterns. So even though the shorts look like they are way too big, they are actually the right sizes for the kids, it's just supposed to be a really baggy pattern (Which I would have fully realized that before I made them, but oh well, now I know for next time!)
While I was sewing the kids were playing Wii and taking pictures, then when we were all done we took pictures out in the yard. The little boys' shorts turned out way too cute!!
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