Zachary Michael
Zachary, my baby. There is nothing that makes time fly faster than having a baby. It seems like the last four months have flown by. Yes, my baby is four months old. He is such an amazing baby! Everyone comments on how bright and alert he is, and I get several people saying that most babies aren't that alert until they are much older. From the day Zachary was born, he's been a very alert baby. When he's awake he's awake and when he's asleep he's asleep. He looks at everyone and examines faces, he loves it when people talk to him and he definitely has his favourite people (Mom, Dad and David). Zachary is so easy to put to bed, I wrap him in a blanket, give him a soother and lay him on his stomach and he goes to sleep. Even if he doesn't go to sleep immediately, he will often lay there content until he does fall asleep. Yesterday I came in to check on him about 10 minutes after I had laid him down and found him completely wiggled out of his blanket, soother gone and him pushing up on his tummy just looking around, happy as could be. It was adorable, so I left him there happy for another 5 minutes or so until he decided he was bored of that.
Zachary is getting to the point where he is grabbing at things, and generally getting what he wants. He loves to sit and pull his soother out and try to get it back in. It can be a little annoying when he really does want it in his mouth and he wont leave it there, but usually it's just cute and he's content to struggle with it for a little while.
We have been putting him in his jolly jumper a little bit this month, and a couple of days ago he figured out how fun it can be! For about a week now, he's appreciated that when he's in it he's standing, and he has been happy to stand there and look at everybody, but two days ago, he started to bounce and has realized that bouncing is way more fun than standing! It's so cute to watch his little legs go as he bounces and bounces!
I am enjoying every stage of Zachary's life so much I have been choosing to appreciate what he's doing now instead of looking forward to what he will be doing later and it has been very rewarding. Each new discovery is exciting and every sound is thrilling (well, maybe not EVERY sound!). Zachary, of Jackery as David calls him, has also started playing with toys this week and it's great to watch his eyes grow bigger as he figures out how to make a toy rattle or as he looks at all the colours.
Four things I love about Zachary:
1. Your big blue eyes.
2. How your whole little world is wrapped up in me and I am by far the most important person in your life. It doesn't last long enough!
3.Your great big smiles when you wake up in the morning.
4.Your soft, soft hair - I love to feel it against my cheek while I'm rocking you.
Zac, you are already a very important part of our family. I have been praying for you for years and I want you to always know that you are an answer to my prayers. You are a miracle to me and I thank our Heavenly Father that he chose to send you to me. All to soon you will be grown up and living your life independently, and although I will be thrilled to see what you make of your life, there will be a piece of me that misses the baby with the chubby cheeks and wobbly legs. Always remember that God has a plan for you and you are here, at this time and in this place for a reason. You are no accident, Heavenly Father has chosen you to be here to fulfill your mission, a mission that no one else can fulfill. Know that your family loves you and we will always love you. You are a part of our eternal family and we will be together forever.

We have been putting him in his jolly jumper a little bit this month, and a couple of days ago he figured out how fun it can be! For about a week now, he's appreciated that when he's in it he's standing, and he has been happy to stand there and look at everybody, but two days ago, he started to bounce and has realized that bouncing is way more fun than standing! It's so cute to watch his little legs go as he bounces and bounces!
I am enjoying every stage of Zachary's life so much I have been choosing to appreciate what he's doing now instead of looking forward to what he will be doing later and it has been very rewarding. Each new discovery is exciting and every sound is thrilling (well, maybe not EVERY sound!). Zachary, of Jackery as David calls him, has also started playing with toys this week and it's great to watch his eyes grow bigger as he figures out how to make a toy rattle or as he looks at all the colours.

1. Your big blue eyes.
2. How your whole little world is wrapped up in me and I am by far the most important person in your life. It doesn't last long enough!
3.Your great big smiles when you wake up in the morning.
4.Your soft, soft hair - I love to feel it against my cheek while I'm rocking you.
Zac, you are already a very important part of our family. I have been praying for you for years and I want you to always know that you are an answer to my prayers. You are a miracle to me and I thank our Heavenly Father that he chose to send you to me. All to soon you will be grown up and living your life independently, and although I will be thrilled to see what you make of your life, there will be a piece of me that misses the baby with the chubby cheeks and wobbly legs. Always remember that God has a plan for you and you are here, at this time and in this place for a reason. You are no accident, Heavenly Father has chosen you to be here to fulfill your mission, a mission that no one else can fulfill. Know that your family loves you and we will always love you. You are a part of our eternal family and we will be together forever.
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